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True Awakenings® . . .To What This Person Knows to Be True!

About True Awakenings®
About YOU and True Awakenings®

"My challenge is:
                      To reach out to people I’ve never met
                      As a person they have absolutely no reason to trust
                      About something that has changed my life and I know works,
                      That will change their lives in ways beyond their comprehension,
                      That they have probably never heard of,
                               That sounds far too good to be true
                               And far too simple and effective to be possible,
                               That works too quickly and permanently to be feasible,
                      That demands a major mind-shift about how we function as humans
                      And which they can learn to do themselves,
                               Bringing JOY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE where all is lost,
                               To awaken their own lives .  .  .and  the lives others.”


"I reach out. . .and trust that the message WILL be heard and
              others WILL AWAKEN. . .and that brings me great JOY.”

                                                                                                                    Caren K. Beach



It is quite evident when conversing with Caren that she truly believes in the effectiveness of True Awakenings®.  As an Careneducator she has continually sought ways to help students be successful "math thinkers.”  Personally she has always sought to better her own life and the lives of those around her.  In 2004 after completing the two PSYCH-K ™ Basic and Advanced Integration Workshops, a whole new opportunity opened up for her.  She became aware of how limiting beliefs formed in her childhood and held in her subconscious mind might be holding her back from being the person she had always wanted to be.  She learned how to identify and change any such beliefs in order to find the health and peace that was missing in her personal life.  .  .and IT WORKED.  She began sharing the work with her students, family members, friends, and clients.  True Awakenings® was born out of her work beyond PSYCH-K ™.  Her experience, wisdom, and commitment to the self-empowerment of her self and others with True Awakenings® make her an effective and compassionate facilitator, mentor, and consultant.


"There’s nothing like actually experiencing an awakening to newness in my life and the lives of my family members and friends to make me want to share True Awakenings® with others,” says Caren.  "This work belongs to the Universe from whence it came, and I am honored to ‘pass it on’ so that others awaken.”


  • B.S. in Elementary Education from Akron University, Akron, Ohio
  • Graduate courses in Elementary Mathematics at Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA
  • Five years of elective Aesthetic Education Experiences at Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
  • Years of experience as a classroom teacher, math specialist, substitute teacher, and math tutor in the Akron, OH, Erie, PA, and East Peoria, IL areas
  • Basic Brain Gym and Touch for Health Workshops
  • PSYCH-K™ Basic and Advanced Integration Workshops
  • True Awakenings® Supervisor and Facilitator (Also, PSYCH-K™ Facilitator)

A Note from a Friend of True Awakenings®


"Caren has helped me help myself in so many ways---from relieving some physical discomforts to guiding me with business decisions to raising my self-esteem and the health of my subconscious.”

Brenda M.
True Awakenings® User
Peoria, IL