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True Awakenings® . .To the Wisdom of Your Questioning Mind!

"I am on the cutting edge of the new consciousness awakening for the whole planet!”                                                                                                                                                          Caren K. Beach

(Answered by Caren)

What subconscious beliefs do I need to have in order for my body to be healthy?

It is vital to truly believe on the subconscious level that you are part of God, or whatever term you use to name the Creative, Sustaining, Overall Power that is, was, and always will be. You have unlimited value as a child of the Divine. Peace, Joy and Love abound in and through you. YOU will live on after your body dies. This positive sense of yourself is called "self-esteem.” Reclaiming your self-esteem allows your body to return to its healthy state.

Is there any health condition or psychological issue that True Awakenings® cannot affect in positive ways?

That remains to be seen because we haven’t had the opportunity to use True Awakenings® methods with every malady that humans face. So, I will stick out my neck and say, NO. I believe that this work will positively affect any condition or issue.

The biggest obstacle to healing that I have found in this work has been that the person needing alignments is not committed, or ready, and the work ends. The body, in all cases, wants to be healthy and will be. . . if we seize the opportunity and the challenge to look into our hearts and do the work needed to awaken.

Cancer is cancer. Diabetes is diabetes. Heart disease is heart disease. How can one’s subconscious beliefs cause the cells to go haywire?


We need Bruce H. Lipton, pioneer epigeneticist, to answer this question which he has in his book and DVD, The Biology of Belief. In an nutshell, his research in 1980 and subsequent research by others in the field, present the very real possibility that when cell sensors perceive that something isn’t right, the protein changes form and the functioning ability of the cell changes, irregardless of what the genes in its nucleus dictate. Over time the changes can become measurable and affect the health of the body.

It is true that the longer an issue goes on unchanged and worsens, the longer it will take to turn it around. That is why it is so important to begin working NOW to clear destructive beliefs from the subconscious mind. If you wait too long, the dis-ease may reach advanced stages, causing damage and consequences such as death or incarceration or irreconcilable separateness before you have the chance to get enough of the underlying negative beliefs awakened to health. There just may not be enough time to undo the damage of deteriorated cells. So I say, "Begin NOW!”

There is so much going wrong in the world. Is it really possible to live without fear and the sense of impending doom?

Whether you are a Christian or not, Jesus is an excellent example of how to live as a human being on this planet. His world was one of Roman domination, judgmental, self-serving religious leaders, and great human need. Jesus knew who he was as the Son of God and lived his life with the self-assurance that is your birthright and within your grasp, especially now that this work is available to enable you to get in touch with and awaken the forces that would otherwise prevent you from following your true destiny. There is no reason to FEAR or DOUBT in one who knows their place in the family of God.

Also, as you awaken, your positive energy raises the energy of the planet and the universe so that all benefit. That is a very good thing, to know that you are making the world a better place. You are one who brings Light to our planet by whatever you do to awaken your own life.

Is muscle testing reliable?

With knowledge of the procedure and the direction of a skilled facilitator, muscle testing is reliable. STRONG responses mean "yes” and WEAK responses mean "no” or "not now”. There are situational disturbances that might interfere with our muscle testing in order to give us messages, and that is where it is important to be working with or learning from someone who has experience with the work and knows what to do when this happens until you learn it for yourself.

Also, I believe that the body, due to the presence of the Super-conscious mind knows exactly what you and I need as though we each have within us an established blueprint for our healing. Muscle testing is a way to tap into that knowledge and get Guidance that is valid and timely. I have experienced the wisdom of this Guidance time and time again. I value this amazing Resource that provides me with what I need to know about myself and what it is that I need to heal.

What positive changes have you seen in the lives of people who have used True Awakenings® methods to heal?


In at least three cases, the doctors who were directly involved but with no knowledge that this energy work was also being used, said that there was no medical reason for the improvements that the tests revealed. In the first case, Stage 1 prostate cancer was diagnosed but then no cancer cells were present in a second biopsy done just before the radiation treatments were to begin. In another case, a person whose violent reaction to a drug prescribed for his HIV+ diagnosis stopped taking the drug. Within 3 months his HIV blood test scores showed improvement to the point that no medication is warranted, and no symptoms are evidenced to this day. In the third case, a person who was diagnosed with auto-immune liver disease experiences rapid improvement, and the prescribed steroid doses decrease. The liver function is now considered to be stable.

Other amazing improvements concern healing hypertension, candida, asthma, allergies, Prozac addiction, "bingeing” (an eating disorder), depression, verbal abuse, narcissism, anti-social personality disorder, self-esteem issues, healing of the Inner Child in cases of incest by healing the shame of powerlessness, and post traumatic stress disorder. Relationships are healing. A child who "scooted” and never crawled as an infant has awakened to become an excellent reader at age 8 (which is not usually the case.) Career decisions are made. Self-sabotaging behaviors heal. Businesses grow. Prosperity and abundance come forth. . .and more.

Can you really do True Awakenings® alignments across the miles by telephone?

Because we are made up of mostly energy and connected to the energy of the collective whole, it is possible to learn to connect to others in order to do this work. It’s like thinking about someone you haven’t thought about in years and then having them call you out-of-the-blue. Or like praying an intercessory prayer for someone far away. The message gets to where it is intended to go. We are in touch with each other in the subtlest of ways and are able to do alignments "long distance.”

Sometimes it seems as though I am sabotaging myself, wanting something so badly but then behaving in such a way as to ensure that it won’t happen. Would True Awakenings® alignments help me stop sabotaging myself?

Self-sabotage is a very common phenomenon. Once you begin to understand how the subconscious mind works, you understand that what you know consciously really means very little, if anything, to you as far as how you are to fulfill your desires for a happy, peaceful, meaningful life. As the ancient Hunas of Hawaii believed, it is awakening the subconscious mind that brings goodness and deep reaching meaning to your lives. When your subconscious mind is working "with you,” there is no desire to sabotage yourself. As the subconscious mind heals, so does the conscious mind which allows Super-conscious to bestow its blessings on you, blessings that simply create feelings of total self worth with no thought of self-sabotage.

Do the goals of True Awakenings and the message of The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, the book and the movie, go hand in hand?


The Secret is about receiving abundance and believing that you deserve the good things in life. It is a positive and promising belief for those of us who are looking for fulfillment in their lives. True Awakenings® alignments help you achieve those goals with the knowledge that as you awaken to the love and self-appreciation that was intended for you when you were created, you will be blessed with the good things that the universe has to bestow, including monetary gains, as a byproduct of the process.


How is a True Awakenings® alignment different from saying a prayer or meditating on an affirmation?

An alignment isn’t different at all from praying or meditating to me. You can expect a response from the alignments you do and get guidance from God through your Super-conscious mind, just like when you pray. Healthy things happen as a result to an alignment just like when you meditate on a positive statement or thought. One difference is that the answers are clearer and come more quickly with this work because of the use of muscle testing. The Divine responses I get during the alignment process are just like answered prayer, kicked up some notches, quite a few notches, for me.

Are the changes really permanent?

Absolutely. When a statement that muscle-tested WEAK tests STRONG after an alignment, you can be sure that the subconscious belief has been changed forever. The aligning processes rewires the way the body behaves concerning the belief being addressed and the ways that the body has stored its perceptions. There may be more to do, more layers to align once a particular belief has been changed, and the work may progress in this way until a particular issue is completely healed, but each alignment causes true change in the neurology of the cells. An alignment changes beliefs in the subconscious mind much like a computer SAVES its data. . .and once a belief is SAVED, that’s final.

Will I need to continue being treated by my medical doctor once I start using the True Awakenings® methods?

True Awakenings® alignments enable a person to make huge healing strides but NEVER take the place of medical care. This work is a complement to medicine, not a replacement. If you are being treated by a medical doctor, your muscle testing will help determine what you can do in addition to your medical treatment, but NOT in place of your doctor’s advice. This work provides you with a holistic approach to healing in conjunction with Western medicine. . .without the guessing. You know what you need. Your body tells you when you muscle test.

Will the message of True Awakenings® interfere with the religious beliefs I hold dear?


Not unless you are looking for an excuse for not doing the work. Religious differences would be a good reason to stop the work, but that is not at all the intent.

I can think of one other point to be made here. Your religious beliefs may be counteracted if you believe something that is not in your highest and best good and for the highest and best interest of the universe. We are seeking to heal and become the best that we can be, so if you are holding on consciously to a belief that is preventing your fulfillment, you will be led to choose a higher ground.

I have worked with people who have different belief systems than I do and have enjoyed discovering the similarities we share, so it does not need to present a problem. We have more in common than we realize.


Don’t certain health issues run in families?

They seem to, don’t they. The big question is whether health issues "run in families” because of inherited genes. . .or because of your body’s perceptions experienced in childhood that have caused you to develop dis-eases like the ones that your parents or grandparents had. I was sure that I was going to die of a massive coronary at age 64 like my mom did because I had been told many times that heart trouble "runs in my family”, and I had all the symptoms she did – obesity, hypertension, high bad cholesterol/low good cholesterol scores, etc. Part of my story is the complete turn around of those symptoms, so I would say, "Come on, age 64! I’m looking forward to living to see you and beyond for many more years”. . .and I bet geneticists would find the heart trouble genes in my DNA if I asked them to check it out. Heart dis-ease will not be an issue for me because I have changed any and all beliefs that needed to be changed.

Also, concerning relationships, if your parents have had bad relationships, wouldn’t it be reasonable to think that you will, too. How do you learn how to have good relationships and expect to have them if you’ve never had a good relationship modeled for you?

I believe in the science of epigenetics, meaning ‘beyond genetics”, because of the way I see myself, my family, and others healing our dis-eases by changing our subconscious beliefs, even when it is an issue that seems to "run in the family”. The whole concept of genetics seems to me to be one of victimization. I refuse to be a victim to anyone or anything anymore, been there-done that, especially now that we have methods available to us for changing negative subconscious beliefs using True Awakenings® that work. The changes I’ve witnessed in myself and others just wouldn’t happen if we were genetically controlled.

What is the overall goal of True Awakenings®?

The overall goal of True Awakenings® is to use its methods to help you move yourself forward from where you are now to where you want and are destined to be, according to the Laws of the Universe, by correcting any beliefs about yourself that you hold in your subconscious mind that are counterproductive to the life that you deserve. It is the reprogramming of the subconscious mind that heals the conscious mind and allows the Super-conscious mind to bestow onto you its blessings of Joy, Peace, and Love, as well as the Abundance. For that, we can be truly grateful.

How long does it take to heal?

It is impossible to say. The beliefs causing our various dis-eases are often so intertwined. Also, can any of us ever be completely healed? Won’t there always areas of your life to work on? Some things heal very quickly. Others take time. From my experience, urgent needs turn around quickly.

The first belief I changed was one that caused me to have symptoms of my legume allergy during grass season each spring. (Ever try to not eat legumes? No soybean oil? No peanuts? Very difficult.) Anyway, without thinking, I ate a store-bought cookie at the workshop, surely containing soy, and the roof of my mouth began to itch. Oh, no. So I did the belief-change work and within a half hour, the itch was gone. I was amazed. On the other hand, healing my cat allergy has taken much longer. Obviously, the cat allergy has been part of a much more complex set of beliefs, and it has taken longer to find all the missing pieces to the puzzle. (P.S. It was Louise Hay from whom I learned that it is not what you are allergic to, but who. I have found her premise to be true. The subconscious mind associates certain symptoms with some unsettled happening involving a person in childhood. When you heal whatever negative belief you have concerning that person with an alignment, you heal the allergy.) My cat allergy involved relationship problems with several people in my past.

One thing that I value about True Awakenings® is that you can do it with yourself, without scheduling an office visit with a professional. You may need some advice or an alignment from your mentor once in a while when you first learn about the work, but you soon become your own health practitioner, on call 24-7. So if you learn to do the work with yourself, it doesn’t really matter how long it takes. Your Super-conscious mind will guide you, and the awakening will be done when it is supposed to be done according to Divine timing.

To be very frank, doesn’t what is being presented here about True Awakenings® all seem "far-fetched?”

I like this question. I admit it. My journey with this work has been full of questions and skepticism. I can understand why you might think it is far-fetched. It is good that you are able to be so honest. But I want to tell you something else, and that is that when you start doing the work, one far-fetched step at a time, it isn’t long at all before you start believing. Things begin to happen that cannot be coincidence. You will experience healing. It will be proven to you that you are connected to God through your Super-conscious mind that knows like a truly loving parent what is best for you. You will experience awakening. So I remain a skeptic, and "stay curious” every step of the way, and yet move forward in the work, still knowing that it WORKS. . .and that is what matters to me. IT WORKS! And if it is working for me, IT WILL WORK FOR YOU, even if you and I can’t explain how!


I don’t like to take prescribed medications and most over-the-counter products. Does this work help me know what supplements I should to take and what not to take. There are so many choices at my health food store? Also, will I learn what other kinds of things I need to be doing for my well-being?

After any session of alignments, we ask your Super-conscious mind if there is anything else for you to do to help your body heal. I believe that if we had enough time, alignments would heal all there is to heal, even the very deepest dis-eases, but why not take advantage of the other healing modalities available to us to support the body as it heals. This is why we muscle test to see if there other components of healing for you to consider that would be in your highest and best interest. We use muscle testing to allow your subconscious mind to indicate to you what foods and supplements are of benefit to you and which ones you may be taking or thinking about taking that are not needed or right for you. You learn how many of a supplement to take and how often. You learn what other modalities would benefit you – massage, tai chi, acupuncture, a Bach flower or essential oil, physical therapy, etc. Maybe you have had a chiropractor and other health provider use muscle testing to find the best supplements for you to take. My first experience with muscle testing was done by naturopathic veterinarian to find out what supplements my beagle needed. It works, and I value the way my muscle testing Guides me.

How old does a child have to be in order to be muscle tested?

I work with children in surrogation, from conception through age 7. Children can generally be muscle tested by age 7 when they are cognizant of what it’s all about.

How great it is to work with children at the time when their beliefs about themselves and their world are forming. This is a great time to nip in the bud any unacceptable subconscious beliefs and prevent them from affecting the future life of their cells.

Who would benefit from doing True Awakenings® alignments?

YOU! . . .especially YOU!. . .and along with you, every other person I have ever met. We all have had experiences in our lives, especially in childhood, conception through age 7, situations that have formed beliefs in us that were never in our highest and best interest. . and still aren’t. In fact, these beliefs have become very destructive forces, causing distress in our energy, spiritual, emotional, mental, bio-chemical, and physical bodies. The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND perceives the distress when it occurs and remembers all of it to the present day as though, when triggered, it’s happening NOW. Over the years the cells of the body progressively cease to function with the health and vitality that would be true otherwise. . and the dis-eases worsen. Your life is meant by Divine design to be healthy and happy. True Awakenings® methods enable you to restore your life to coherence so that you are the person you were created to be.

A Note from a Friend of
True Awakenings®


"True Awakenings® allowed and enabled me to face and address my fears.  Although there were times the work led me to seemingly dark places, by persevering I’ve come through to a new understanding of life and finally feel ready to live.”   

Stephen K.
True Awakenings® User
Columbus, OH

The unfortunate thing is that not everyone who would benefit from the work is ready for it at the time it is presented to them. This work is meant to be chosen. Some will never choose it, some will come back to it at a future time, and others are very eager from the start. Those who are meant to awaken NOW are the ones we want to reach. Are you one of those? I hope so. . .for you and your loved ones and for this planet.





"Nature’s memory is deeply embedded within me, waiting to be awakened.”
                                                                                                                                                                Caren K. Beach