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True Awakenings® . . . To a New Work That's Here for YOU!

"I believe in the new, more awakened science of human growth and transformation."

                                                                                                                                                                                          Caren K. Beach




What It Is
True Awakenings® is a method used to change any and all subconscious beliefs that limit us.  It has grown out of Caren’s PSYCH-K™ training and practice.  .  .and offers new insights and possibilities that were not known previously.


Scientific Background   
"If we change our [subconscious] beliefs, we can change our lives!” Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.


Ground-breaking discoveries in the new biology of epigenetics are basic to understanding why True Awakenings® is  so powerful.  In 1980, Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, discovered that more than our genes, it is our subconscious beliefs that determine the quality of life that we experience.  More than the health problems that seem to have been passed down in families, it is what we believe about these problems that causes them to manifest in our bodies.  A fearful thought becomes part of the belief system that causes a response in the cells of the body that stops its healthy way of behavior, and dis-ease is the result.


For years health practitioners have used applied kinesiology, or "muscle testing,” to determine what supplements a patient’s body needs. Muscle testing works in much the same way as lie detecting equipment.  The body is able to follow a command to hold a muscle strong as long as the truth is being told.  If a lie is being said or a negative thought or feeling is being experienced, the muscle signal is scrambled, and the muscle is weak and cannot hold strong. Read more in Power Vs. Force, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., and Co-Creative Science, Machaelle Small Wright.


The Three Selves
The ancient Hunas of Hawaii were able to heal virtually all of the psychological problems they experienced due to the practices of their "kahunas”, their "enlightened ones.”  An important part of their teachings explains that we each have three minds: the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, and the Super-conscious mind.  We are familiar with the conscious mind but know very little about the other two that are very important to understand and take seriously.


The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is "below” the surface of our conscious mind, powerful in our lives and not to be underestimated.  The subconscious mind governs the involuntary muscle functions of the body and is the seat of our emotions.  Its huge memory remembers everything that has ever happened to us and keeps it all stored in the tissues of the body.  The stored beliefs about our life events can allow us to be happy and healthy or they can cause dis-ease due to negative perceptions in the cells at the time.  These beliefs remain permanent and when triggered, cause us to feel as though past events are happening NOW.  .  .and we are set back into the feelings of the past.  The subconscious mind makes it hard to move forward, no matter how determined the conscious mind is, because the beliefs are so powerful and habitual.  The subconscious mind is experienced when one tries to change an old pattern of living and gets nowhere.


The Super-conscious Mind
The Super-conscious mind is our connection to God, acting like the best parent we could possibly imagine.  It knows exactly what is in our best interest at all times and in all circumstances.  

The goal of healing is to unite these three selves.  When the subconscious mind is healed of its limiting beliefs and at peace, the conscious mind functions at its best and the Super-conscious mind bestows blessings upon us, blessings that are our birthright as children of God.  This ancient but wise way of thinking about our make-up helps us understand that healing the beliefs of the subconscious mind is the prerequisite of experiencing wellness in this life.


Where the Key to Healing Lies
It is the subconscious mind, the body, which is all-powerful in forming our lives.  Any negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind, beliefs formed in childhood, are still there, causing unhealthy conditions with a wide variety of consequences. An enlightened person does not overlook or ignore the power of the beliefs held by the subconscious mind, especially now that we have the tools we need to transform negative beliefs into positive ones.


How It’s Done
True Awakenings® uses muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious and Super-conscious minds.  When an unwanted belief is found which needs to be replaced by a desired one, a True Alignment® alignment is done.  A True Awakenings® alignment changes a destructive subconscious belief permanently and quickly, replacing it with a positive one by rewriting the software of the mind, replacing old, negative beliefs with new, beneficial ones by integrating the hemispheres of the body.  An alignment is amazingly easily to do, and the changes are "saved” forever in the cells of the body tissues.  This process allows the body to restore itself to the state of health that is its Divine nature.  .  .and a new quality of life is experienced.


The Unlimited Realm of Possibilities
There is no limit to the possibilities of this work.  True Awakenings® alignments affect change whether the work is used for issues concerning the health of the body, relationships, career, personal growth, loss of any kind, mental/emotional health, and more.  Phobias, weight gain, disappointing career decisions, self-sabotage, etc. are examples are areas that might indicate that subconscious beliefs are working against a person’s well-being.

A Note from a Friend of True Awakenings®

"This work helps me tune into my inner voice and discover its messages."

Anne Marie
True Awakenings® User
East Peoria, IL

The Importance of Gratitude
We are not meant to be victims in this life.  .  .whether by our genes.  .  .or by our past experiences.  .    .or by our present life circumstances.  As part of the Creative, All-Powerful Energy Force that heals us and unites us and waits to bestow its blessing on us, we are ever grateful, one alignment at a time.


Anyone can learn True Awakenings®

There are built-in safeguards that ensure that a True Awakenings® alignment is only used for good and with permission from the spirit connection of one’s Super-conscious mind.  Any attempted change must be in the highest and best interest of the person involved or else permission is not given, and there is no change.


"I understand that what remains is God, the Eternal Energy by which everything awakens."                                                                                                                                                                                           Caren K. Beach