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True Awakenings®...To Teaching the Methods of Change!

"I believe in the existence of the Great Overruling Power
that awakens me to a happier way of life.”

Caren K. Beach

Services - Coming Soon


True Awakenings® Instructor Training:

Persons who have participated in True Awakenings® Workshops, are using the methods to help themselves and others, and meet the criteria for participation will be eligible to receive training in order to become an instructor of True Awakenings® Workshops.

A Note from a Friend of
True Awakenings®


"Using this work, I have learned how to develop my intuition and pay attention to myself and others. I am safe and evolving towards a faith and self worth that had previously been inconceivable.”

Alison S.
True Awakenings® User
Peoria, IL

"“Positive energy flows through me as I awaken.” Caren K. Beach